7 ‘Must Have’ Things for a UL Fresher

UL Visitor Centre

Okay so to start with a little disclaimer, obviously the things you definitely “must have” simply include a pen and notepad to write stuff from your lectures down in, an alarm clock to get you there on time, a bit of hard work and enthusiasm too. However, there are some other things that if possible, we think you ‘must have’.


1. UL Hoodie

You are in UL now, and there is a very common saying around these parts “UL and Proud”, what better way to show you are proud of this fantastic University than to proudly wear its logo… we are just lucky that all the UL branded gear you can get in the visitor centre happens to look amazing as well. The biggest problem you will face is not trying to decide which style to get… it’s restraining yourself from buying one of each.

Seeing as we are sound though, we are actually giving away TEN of the UL Branded hoodies this week. To find out more visit our facebook page or twitter.



2. The “Safe Cabs” Number – 061 336 336

The UL Students Union run an amazing service with the local taxi company ‘Plassey Cabs’.

Safe cabs is a service provided by the ULSU in conjunction with Plassey cabs. If you are stuck in town with no money and no way to get home, you can get a taxi from Plassey Cabs and pay the next day in the Students Union.

To use the Safecabs service you must:

  1. Sign up in the Students Union for the SafeCabs service.
  2. Call Plassey Cabs on 061 336 336 and say you are using the safecabs service
  3. Get a receipt and come in and pay the Students Union the next day.



3. A Bicycle

Access to and around the University is easy on a bicycle. Cycling facilities outside and inside the campus have been constructed as a response to the recent increase in the numbers of cyclists travelling to the campus.

The University has won multiple awards for its cycling facilities and to learn more about them just watch this short video or click here.

Even though the First Seven Weeks Manager Tony owns a car he is one of the biggest advocates of cycling you will find.

Tony Sheridan

Even if it’s only for time saving reasons.


4. Snapchat

Look if you don’t have a smart phone that is grand, in fact once your phone has snake you are winning at life BUT if you do have a smartphone snapchat is where it is at.


Apart from it being the no.1 way to connect with your new UL friends online there are also some amazing UL snapchat accounts to add, from the Students Union Wolfie account, the official UL snapchat to International education one (great for Irish students too) and completely unbiasedly we would conservatively say the best snapchat account ever, in the history of the world to follow is… ours ;).

snapcode orange


5. The ‘UL Buildings’ App

Look there are lots of very important apps you have on your phone, for some of the singletons it will be Tinder or Grindr, for those all loved up it might be Just-eat for the cozy nights in but for every UL student the ability to navigate the massive campus is important. That’s why they have an app for that. It’s unreal and it will get you from wherever you are to a UL building using #Science

Apple Version

Android Version



6. Corny as it Sounds ‘A Willingness to Ask for Help’

This isn’t just UL freshers, or UL students it’s a thing everyone needs. It’s generally an amazing time, starting University, but that doesn’t mean you won’t need help. Every single person starting in UL will have questions, lots of them, and need lots of help at the start and that is what we are here for. Call into the HUB and let us take some weight off your shoulders and help you.



7. Friends … Soz We Are Still Being Corny

No matter how smart you are, or how many apps you download, or how amazing your current friends are you will need to make new UL friends if you want to make the most of your experience.

We can’t make people want to be your friend no matter how cool you are, and believe us, we think you are the coolest. However what we can do is give you opportunities to meet people and let them realise how cool you are, and how much they need to be your friend.


Hopefully your orientation tour will have started that, but during freshers week we have the big Thursday event to offer. The “Welcome Par-Tea” in the Millstream Common room from 7pm to 10pm. The perfect place to make new friends.



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